Green Raven Project
The Project
Project “Green Raven” is student-lead applied research effort for an unmanned aerial vehicle technology platform combining net-zero emissions and aerodynamic efficiency.
Hydrogen Propulsion
The aircraft has been sized to fit a 1000W hybrid/electric propulsion system. Hybrid/electric propulsion using hydrogen fuel cells with batteries is the ideal combination of high energy and power density, low environmental impact and quiet performance.
The Science Behind It
Catch up with project-related scientific publications
Meet the Team
A list of active and alumni members and their contribution
KTH Integrated Transport Laboratory (ITRL)
KTH Industrial Transformation Platform
KTH Energy Platform
KTH Excellence Environment Fund
(Excellenta Utnildningsmiljöer)
The Green Raven is a complex, multidisciplinary project that requires skills from all fields of engineering, and a perfect platform for academic and industry collaborations